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鴛鴦江(Drake River)

http://m.bkw8.com    2009-11-09 08:46    作者:    來源:

?? 鴛鴦江即桂江、潯江(西江上游)匯合后,桂江的清水與西江的濁流同時流動,一濁一清、一急一緩,涇渭分明,俗稱鴛鴦江。

??? 鴛鴦江景色秀美,放眼望去,只見西江浩淼,水流滔滔;桂江碧綠、波光粼粼。

??? 兩水交匯處,恰似戲水鴛鴦,相互依偎,相互擁抱,長相廝守,難舍難分。

??? 相傳宋代大詩人蘇東坡當(dāng)年獲赦路經(jīng)梧州,適逢中秋之夜,泛舟于鴛鴦江,面對清濁江水不禁思緒萬千,吟詩贊道:"我愛清流頻擊楫,鴛鴦秀水世無雙。"


????Drake River

????The Drake River means the waters at the confluence of three rivers,namely, Guijiang River, Xunjiang River and West River, in which the clear Guijiang water mingles with the turbid main stream, and suggests the conjunction of the dark and the light, female and male elements exhibited

????so happily by the duck and the drake. Yuan Jiang Chun Fan (or wonderful water sights of the Drake River in spring) has been listed in the first place on Wuzhou's Great Eight Attractions since the Ming Dynasty.


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